The story of you

February 17th, 2009

During a recession in the early 80s I was out of work.  For a few weeks, I followed the normal pattern: scanning the classifieds, applying for vaguely related jobs, watching daytime TV. 

Eventually, I turned to What Color is Your Parachute, doing every exercise in the book. Perhaps the most valuable was writing my autobiography.  It was not an exercise in vanity; I was brutally honest.  At the end, I assembled the building blocks per the book’s instructions, and found that for the first time I had a very good idea not only of what I could do, but more importantly what I wanted to do.  By coincidence, or maybe not, my next job set me on my current career path.

I’m not suggesting you leave your job, especially in this economy.  But, if you’re in a job you don’t like, are at a dead end, or haven’t assessed yourself lately, now might be a good time to check out Parachute and begin writing about yourself.  You don’t need great writing skills — in fact, it’s best if you just pour out whatever comes into your head.

The economy is likely to bounce back, and with it greater job choice and availability. Or maybe it’s time to grow your own job.  Either way, now is a good time to get a grip on what you really want from a career.

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